How to Import your Data to Last Yard

April 2, 2020

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In this post we take you through (screenshots and all) how easy it is to import your catalogue promotion or price change spreadsheet to efficiently produce your tickets in a matter of seconds. Once imported, we also show you how easy it is to digitally send these tickets to your network of stores.

Of course if you want to try this yourself, you can contact us to see how easy it is to get started.
If you get stuck one of our customer success engineers can help you out via live chat.

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Importing data and pushing tickets to store networks can be completed in three easy steps.

  • Extract a pricing spreadsheet from your database

  • Map your data to the relevant fields

  • Assign batches to stores


1. Ease of importing

  • Export a spreadsheet of your products from your POS or other database

  • Add the prices (if not already listed) on your spreadsheet

  • Import into Last Yard

2. Map your fields

  • Map the columns in your spreadsheet (input) to the fields that will be displayed in the ticket batch (output)

3. Assign to stores

  • View your imported ticket batches from the dashboard and assign to stores with one easy click.


The system allows you to make changes at any time with a few clicks, saving you the hassle of recreating tickets and distributing them to stores. You can make changes to product descriptions, prices, ticket design and ticket sizes all within a few seconds.


Easily manage what stores can and can’t do with the promotional tickets assigned to them. For example, you can remove permissions to change prices or ticket design so all tickets printed are brand aligned and adhere to catalogue prices.


Reporting makes it possible to see which stores have printed their new promotional tickets. This will make it easier for you to make sure that stores are having the correct pricing tickets displayed.

Chris Stoyles

Chris is the CEO of Last Yard, with a career that began in retail technology in 2003, Chris has dedicated over two decades to developing software and building innovative solutions that empower retailers to automate in-store operations and create a better customer experience in-store.